

“The Rise of Americanism in Italy, 1888-1919” (forthcoming, 2024)

Il fabbricante di cioccolato. Nel mondo di Michele Ferrero.” Piemme, 2023.

The Art of Objects. The Birth of Italian Industrial Culture, 1878-1928.” University of Toronto Press, 2018.

I Passaggi obbligati di Italo Calvino. Autobiografia, memoria, identità.” Longo Editore, Ravenna, 2017.

YouTube Show Italian Innovators

Italian Innovators” tells the stories of great modern Italians in the fields of fashion, technology, business, music and design from the 19th century to the present.  


* “The Italian Occupation in the Dodecanese (1912-1923): Italy’s Early Project of a Mediterranean Modernity.” Italica. Spring 2021, 98, I: 177-194.

*“Pierrot, Perelà, and the Italian Saltimbanco. French Fumisme and the Italian Modernist Imagination.” – Incontri,33, 2018, 27-37.

* “Palazzeschi’s La passeggiata and the Urban Miniatures of the Modern World.” – Italica, 94.3 Fall 2017. 488-513.

* “Il caso Papini nel panorama modernista italiano.” – Mosaici. Journal of Italian Poetry. Vol. 5, Summer 2017 – Special Issue on Italian Modernism.

* “Memorie oltre il mito. Il caso di Due Imperi Mancati di Aldo Palazzeschi.” – Italianistica. Rivista di Letteratura italiana. vol. 1, 2017. 107-114.

* “D’Annunzio, Bernini, and the Baroque Prelude of Il Piacere. – Forum Italicum, vol. 51, n.2, Summer 2017 – Special Issue on D’Annunzio. 1-21.

“Ricordare l’indicibile: I Vent’anni di Alvaro e la memoria della grande guerra” in Rivista di Studi Italiani, Anno XXXIV, n.2, August 2016: 279-297.

“An Italian in Paris. De Amicis, the World Exposition of 1878, and the New Culture of Industrial Modernity” in Romance Studies, vol. 33 Nos. 3-4, November 2015, 216-229.

Presente! The Latent Memory of Italy’s Great War in its Photographic Portraits.” in Minghelli, Giuliana, and Sally Hill edts. Stillness in Motion: Italy, Photography and the Meanings of Modernity. University of Toronto Press, 2014.

1914. La cultura italiana prima dell’abisso”, in LineaTempo, n.4, October 2014 (9 pp.), web.

La Novità di Maciste Alpino.” Italian Culture, XXVII, I, March 2009: 43-59.

I Sentieri che si Biforcano di Fenoglio e di Calvino.” Atelier Poesia, X, September 2005: 49-59.

L’Autobiografia di uno Spettatore: un Passaggio Obbligato di Italo Calvino.” Acme, LVIII, II, May-August 2005: 333-345.


Newspapers and magazines

Spring 2023. Lost and found magazine (interview by Giovanna Bonomo). “Italian Innovators. Unveiling the Essence of Italian Luxury and Innovation.”

June 2022. We the Italians (interview by Umberto Mucci). “Telling the Italian Innovators to the Americans.”

May 12, 2022. Istituzioni 24 (interview by Veronica Bonelli). “Luca Cottini racconta Italian Innovators.”

April 27, 2022. Il sole 24 ore (interview by Andrea Franceschi). “Da Marconi a Campari, le storie dei pionieri del made in Italy in un podcast.”

August 20, 2021. Insula europea (interview by Ginevra Amadio). “Fare accademia su YouTube: l’esperimento di “Italian Innovators”.

March 6, 2021. L’idea (interview by Tiziano Dossena). “Italian Innovators: A Podcast, A Website, A Classroom About Italy And Italians”.

February 16, 2021. La stampa (interview by Filomena Fantarella). “Raccontare l’Italia in inglese. La sfida passa per piattaforme e podcast

January 10, 2017. Heritage (interview by Daniele Gigli).“Quell’intreccio naturale tra cultura e tecnologia.”

Blogs and social media live

November 15, 2022. Beauty at Work. Podcast (interview by Brandon Vaidyanathan). “Beauty and innovation: Italian science, art, and business“.

October 29, 2021. Il meglio del piccolo. Blog (interview by Marina Puricelli). “Il meglio del piccolo

Radio and TV

September 21, 2023. Mediaset Morning News. Presentation of my book Il fabbricante di cioccolato (Piemme, 2023)

October 6, 2022. BBC International. Interview clip in the documentary “How the Paparazzi transformed photojournalism

March 1, 2021. Italy-Echo (interview by Viviana Dragani)